Thursday, January 2, 2014

DIY: Angry Birds Game

For the last year, maybe even longer the Angry Birds apps have been on every ipod, ipad, and iphone my family owns. I wanted to find a way for my kids to play the game without having to spend too much on the table top versions. With that I started racking my brain for ways to bring Angry Birds to life. I pondered for days, even took to walking around with Gavin's small stuffed red bird (not sure if they have names). I started planning for his birthday party and it hit me, Angry Birds Bowling! Then, I had a face palm moment when I realized that I could have just hopped on Pintrest to begin with because when I typed Angry Birds in the search box, I quickly saw that my great idea was already done.
You will need:
  • Cans (any size you want)
  • Dark green spray paint ( I used Valspar Paint + Primer in satin Tropical Foliage it was a little over $3
  • Acryllic paint in white, red, and citrus
  • Black sharpie
  • Ball of choice 

So, I got to work. I gathered several soup cans from under my kitchen sink (yes, I keep anything I can upcycle), pulled out my acrylic paint and after class swung by Home Depot and picked up some spray paint and got to work. On a nice day outside this doesn't take very long. I did this in two and a half hours including, set up and clean up.

After spraying the cans and letting then dry long enough to go inside get a drink of water and grab my "paint sheet," and get all my paints, I was ready to start. Now, I free handed the faces (using the citrus paint) but I'm sure you can find a template online if you want to use one. 

I let those dry for a few minutes while I organized my other colors. I painted on the faces with the white and red and then used the sharpie to outline in black. I tried using black acrylic paint but my hand is just not steady enough to do something that tedious the Sharpie was much faster, and easier. The best part? They were completely dry by the time cleanup was done!

 Super easy, fun craft that kids can do with minimal adult hands.
Happy Crafting!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks DJ! Gavin likes to set them up on his train track and let Thomas have a go at them too.
